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Where to Find Gold

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Looking at the "hydrology" of a curve, the water flowing at the outside of the curve is moving much faster than the water flowing at the inside of the curve. Therefore, the water pressure at the inside of the curve lessens and the water pressure on the outside of the curve increases.


As the gold continues to be pushed down river, the gold that is farthest to the outside of a curve is pushed around the curve. That gold that is closest to the inside of a curve will tend to drop where the water begins to slow down at the beginning of the curve. This is also a good spot to look for gold.


Inside Curve Drop.jpg (36682 bytes)

Click on Picture to Enlarge


As stated earlier, gold being the heaviest of the materials in a river, combined with the agitation of all of the materials in the river at flood stage, will drive the gold to the bottom. The bottom of the river is bedrock. The bedrock may be shallow, and have very little "overburden" on it (or even be exposed), or it may be deep (30 or 40 feet or more under the overburden). Since the gold will be resting on the bedrock, you must be able to reach bedrock where you are dredging. Keeping all of the previous criteria in mind, look for an area that has bedrock shallow enough for you to work.


A clue to the depth of bedrock can be seen on the banks of the river. Exposed bedrock on the banks will indicate that bedrock is shallow. Exactly how shallow will not be known until you actually begin dredging. Sharp drops in the bedrock on the banks may indicate a continuation of that steep drop underwater, meaning the river bottom may be quite deep. A gradual drop in bedrock at the banks means just the opposite. That bedrock is probably fairly shallow.


Deep Bedrock.jpg (37430 bytes)                Shallow Bedrock.jpg (32141 bytes)

Click on Pictures to Enlarge


Remember that these are "Rules of Thumb" and do not always work in all cases.

If no exposed bedrock can be seen in the river or on the banks, look up on the sides of the canyon. Look for an outcropping of rock on both sides directly opposite of each other and draw an imaginary line from one outcropping down to the river and then up to the opposite outcropping. Where this line crosses the river is a pretty good indication of where the bedrock will be the shallowest.





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