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Bradford County, Pennsylvania

 Lost Treasure


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  • "Chests of round discs (coins)" are supposedly buried in a cave on a "sugar loaf" shaped hill 4 miles north of the confluence of of the Chemung and Susqehanna Rivers.

      Topographic Map of Lost Treasure and Ghost Town Locations

    More information can be found in

    Guide to Treasure in Pennsylvania

    Buried Treasures You Can Find

    To expand on your story of the "sugar loaf" hill near the Chemung and Susq. Rivers. It is called "Spanish Hill" located on South Waverly PA on Route 220.  Spanish Explorer Leastak Brule' explored the area in the late 1600s.  Many artifacts have been found on the hill to include cannon balls, Spanish "pikes" (like a spear) and pottery.... but no one has found the treasure yet.
    Dave Pelachik

    Thanks, Dave

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